FLS Sports Days

October 15, 2023

No matter where we’re located, the First Line Software team loves to get together for a friendly game. September was an active month for our colleagues, as teammates at our Poland, Czech Republic, and Montenegro offices met for our Sports Days. These teams had the chance to be active, connect with colleagues, and enjoy favorite sports together. 

In Poland, the team met over their weekend for some games of squash. The top three players won their very own rackets, and others received some sporty socks and headbands. The team in Prague met on a Friday evening to tap into their youth and gather for a game of blacklight minigolf. Some teammates even painted their faces with the glow paint to stand out under the lights. At our Montenegro locations, colleagues met over the weekend for some volleyball, basketball, and FIFA tournaments. 

Even though the weather will be cooling off, we’ll keep the fun going with more exciting team building and chances to get active together!

Let’s talk!

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