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Privacy Notice for Job Applicants

We at First Line Software (The “Company”) collect and keep data about all applicants to enable us to process job applications. Your personal data will be used for processing your employment application. If you conclude an employment agreement with the Company  your personal data will be used for employment processing and compliance with applicable labor related laws and regulations, as well as internal Company policies. GDPR and applicable regulations place an obligation on employers to inform all applicants in detail why we collect data, what we do with it, and how long we expect to retain it.

The Company is the controller of your personal data.

You have the right to:

  • ask us about the processing of your personal data, including obtaining a copy of your personal data (free of charge);
  • request the supplementation, rectification and/or erasure of your personal data;
  • object to the processing;
  • revoke your consent to processing at any time; 
  • file a complaint with the [competent authority] if you consider that your rights have been violated.

These rights are more specifically described in the Privacy Notices posted on the Company website at www.firstlinesoftware.com/privacy-policy. If you need more information about your rights or have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data by us, please let us know by contacting the Company by phone at +420 777 085 730 or email at: hrteameu@firstlinesoftware.com.

The categories of personal data you are being asked to consent to the Company collection and use are as follows:

Type of data

Recruitment data:

Your name, address, email address, telephone number, previous employers, previous and expected salaries, types of job held at other companies, skills and qualifications obtained.

Why we wish to hold it

This will allow us to make a decision on your suitability for employment.

How long it will be kept for

Data obtained during recruitment will be kept until the closing of the recruitment process and then destroyed.

We will use various safeguards and technologies to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration, or destruction, in accordance with applicable data protection regulations. For example, when we engage a third-party service provider (as a data processor), that service provider will be carefully selected in accordance with our policies and procedures that oblige the service provider to use appropriate safeguards when getting in touch with your personal data (including the protection of confidentiality of your personal data and implementation of appropriate technical, organizational, and staffing measures).

Agreement to process my data.

I hereby freely give the Company consent to collect and process my personal data listed above related to my job application.

Let’s talk!

Have any questions? Fill out the form and our team will be in touch!