Securing healthcare data: Two-factor authentication in InterSystems products

May 29, 2024

Keeping your data secure is a top priority for most of us living in a digitally-focused world. In his recent article, InterSystems Developer Flavio Naves Junior showed how to set up two-factor authentication in InterSystems products to accomplish that exact goal. Here, Flavio shares more about the importance of security when it comes to healthcare and patient data, and how IRIS users can set up two-factor authentication.

In an increasingly digital world, information security is crucial, especially for clients, businesses, and governments. The concern is even greater in the healthcare sector, as the theft of patient data not only violates privacy but can also endanger lives. This article explores how Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) can protect against cyberattacks and how it is applied in the products of health tech leader, InterSystems.

What is two-factor authentication?

Two-factor authentication is a security method that requires two forms of verification to access an account. This typically includes something you know (like a password) and something you have (like a code sent to your phone). This method increases security because even if someone discovers your password, they still need the code to log in. It is an important extra layer of protection for keeping personal information secure.

Preventing Ransomware attacks with 2FA

Ransomware is a critical threat where criminals encrypt a victim’s data and demand payment for its release, often requiring payment in cryptocurrency. This form of cyberattack has been growing in frequency and intensity. Reports from 2023 indicate that the number of ransomware victims more than doubled compared to the previous year, and this alarming trend continued into 2024 with a 20% increase in victims and a 55% rise in active ransomware groups (, SecurityWeek). The healthcare sector is particularly vulnerable due to the critical nature of patient data, where delays or loss can have severe consequences.

Implementing 2FA significantly enhances security by requiring two distinct forms of verification to access an account or system. This dual layer of protection makes unauthorized access much more challenging and helps safeguard against ransomware and other cyber threats.

Major technology companies like X (formerly Twitter), Meta (Facebook, Instagram), and Google (YouTube) have successfully implemented 2FA, reducing the incidence of security breaches. In healthcare, using 2FA with systems like the InterSystems IRIS database is crucial, as it strengthens defenses against data theft and unauthorized data manipulation.

Setting up two-factor authentication in InterSystems products

For a detailed step-by-step guide on setting up two-factor authentication (2FA), refer to the my article on the InterSystems Community website. But here are the basic steps:

  1. Log into the IRIS Management Portal and go to the Security section.
  2. Activate two-factor authentication by following the instructions.
  3. Test the setup to ensure everything is working properly.

Realizing the benefits of 2FA

Once 2FA is in place, your organization will immediately begin to see the benefits. These include:

  • Enhanced Protection: An additional verification step means that even if a password is compromised, the account remains secure.
  • Defense Against Ransomware: The added security layer significantly complicates any unauthorized attempts, safeguarding sensitive data from ransomware attacks.
  • Compliance with Regulations: 2FA helps ensure adherence to strict data protection laws, avoiding potential fines and enhancing trust among stakeholders.


The implementation of two-factor authentication is not just a recommendation but a necessity, particularly in sectors like healthcare where data breaches can have devastating consequences. By integrating 2FA, you fortify your organization's defenses, ensuring a higher level of security. Act now, and don't wait for a breach to occur to start protecting your systems and sensitive data.

About the author

Flavio Lucio Naves Junior is an InterSystems Developer responsible for enabling different health systems to work together efficiently, ensuring they can share and use medical data effectively across various settings.

Working with First Line Software for nearly two years, and working with InterSystems for six and a half. Hisinterest in the healthcare industry stems from the opportunity to assist healthcare professionals in gaining more information for their patients. He believes that by facilitating access to relevant data, we can enable more accurate diagnoses. This not only enhances the quality of life for patients but also helps reduce costs in the healthcare system.

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